
Direction from which wind is blowing measured in ° from N
Wind speed and gust in m/s or knots
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours (MAX)
GREEN: Average in the last 6 hours (AVG)
BLACK: Current value (NOW)
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours (MIN)

Air temperature

Air temperature measured in °C
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure measured in mBar
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours

Humidity measured as %
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours


Accumulated rainfall since midnight measured in mm
Solar Radiation

Solar radiation measured as W/m2
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours

Wind Speed
Wind Gust
Wind Direction
(° from N)
Air Temperature
Atmospheric Pressure
Solar Radiation

No data available

Description of the meteomarine station of Mazara del Vallo (Sicily)

The monitoring system for this area of the Central Mediterranean overlooking the Strait of Sicily was set up by the Institute of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in the marine environment (IAS) of the National Research Council (CNR) within the Interreg Italia-Malta project CALYPSO South - Extending Data and Services for Safer Navigation & Marine Protection. This system allows a continuous real-time acquisition of sea level and sea temperature inside the Mazara del Vallo harbour (TP, western Sicily), together with the acquisition of weather parameters in the same site. In addition to the traditional weather parameters, the system with the other station of Torretta Granitola, is able to monitor the passages of the atmospheric pressure fronts. This kind of monitoring is important for studies on climate change on which the rise in sea level may be assessed, but also for the study of the inter-relationships between the fronts of atmospheric pressure and sea level. In fact, certain atmospheric turbulences can often contribute to the formation of local and/or synoptic-scale meteo-tsunami phenomena, often dangerous for the population and known locally with the name of "Marrobbio". The monitoring system was created to provide useful information at local level and to serve for the prediction and mitigation of dangerous events on the population, as well as to increase the port security of the area.

The weather and sea level stations installed in Mazara del Vallo provide high-quality, standardised data and it forms part of the CALYPSO South network of meteo-marine stations in Malta and southern Sicily.

The station is co-ordinated by Dr. Salvatore Aronica, Scientific Responsible for the CNR partner ( The staff project is composed by: Dr. Giacalone Giovanni, Dr. Ignazio Fontana, Dr. Angelo Bonanno, Dr. Gualtiero Basilone, Dr. Simona Genovese, Dr. Evelyn Scicchigno, Sig. Pietro Calandrino and Dr. Alessio Langiu.

Map showing 
                                                location of Mazara del Vallo stations
The meteo-marine station of Mazara del Vallo is composed of two subsystems, a subsystem called slave located on the wharf of the Mazara del Vallo harbour for marine and weather parameters at the lowest altitude, and a subsystem called master located instead on the roof of the harbour master's office at about 19 m above sea level for the acquisition of weather parameters.
Mazara del Vallo master
Meteo station master Mazara del Vallo
Mazara del Vallo slave
Meteo marine station slave of Mazara del Vallo

The sensors installed in the master station are:
  • Air pressure Barometer (Model: PTB220 VAISALA)
  • Air temperature and relative humidity (HC2A-S3 ROTRONIC)
  • Wind speed and direction windsonic anemometer (1405-PK-021 GILL)
  • Global radiation Pyranometer (Model: MS-802 EKO)
The sensors in the slave station are:
  • Sea level and temperature (Model: CS456- 7.25psig CAMPBELL
  • Air temperature and relative humidity (HC2A-S3 ROTRONIC)
  • Rain gauge (Model: ARG314 MEL)
Mazara del Vallo mast for sea level and sea temperature station
Mast for sea level and sea temperature of station slave of Mazara del Vallo
Sea level and sea temperature sensor
Sea level and sea temperature sensor
Operating scheme for Mazara del Vallo station
Operating scheme for the meteo marine station in Mazara.
The Slave station communicates with the Master station through a 2.4 GHz wifi connection. The Master station, in addition to acquiring the data of the installed sensors, receives the data of the slave subsystem, synchronising them and creating the records of values. The master subsystem sends data to multiple remote FTP servers every minute. The data are synchronised, using the GMT time, through the GPS present in the Master station.

The underwater sensor is a pressure transducer for water-level measurements in harbours. It is housed in a titanium protective frame whose diameter is 2.1 cm and 23 cm long, that allows it to be used in saltwater and other harsh environments. It is inserted into a hollow tube to protect it from any impact with external materials. The CS456 outputs either a digital SDI-12 or RS-232 signal to indicate observed pressure and temperature. The sensor has a water-level resolution of 0.0035% FS and worst-case resolution in temperature of 0.006 °C.