
Direction from which wind is blowing measured in ° from N
Wind speed and gust in m/s or knots
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours (MAX)
GREEN: Average in the last 6 hours (AVG)
BLACK: Current value (NOW)
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours (MIN)

Air temperature

Air temperature measured in °C
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure measured in mBar
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours

Humidity measured as %
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours


Accumulated rainfall since midnight measured in mm
Solar Radiation

Solar radiation measured as W/m2
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours

Net radiation

Net radiation measured as W/m2
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours

Wind Speed
Wind Gust
Wind Direction
(° from N)
Air Temperature
Atmospheric Pressure
Solar Radiation
Net Radiation

No data available

Calypso South Meteo marine station of Capo Granitola (Sicily)

Description of the monitoring system for Western Sicily
Map showing 
                                        location of Capo Granitola stations
Figure 1: Installation of the Marine Weather Station of Capo Granitola A) Pole with control unit and weather sensors,
B) Sea level and temperature sensors.
One of the two monitoring system for the Trapani area of the Mediterranean Channel was installed in the small harbour of Torretta Granitola (TP, western Sicily), inside the CNR headquarters. This is a meteo marine station able to acquire continuously both meteorological parameters and sea level and water temperature. A first version of this monitoring system was born in 2007 with the Project "Creation of a prediction station for Marrobbio events to be installed in the fishing port of Mazara del Vallo" (Project code 1999.IT.16.1.PO.011 / 4.17 b / 8.3.7 / 0082 sub-measure 4.17 b POR Sicily 2000-2006 Axis 4 - Local Development Systems) approved and financed by the Regional Councilorship for Cooperation, Commerce, Crafts and Fishing. This installation has been updated and upgraded thanks to the Interreg Italia-Malta Calypso South – Project (Extending Data and Services for Safer Navigation & Marine Protection).

In addition to the traditional weather parameters, the system with the Mazara station is able to monitor the passages of the atmospheric pressure fronts. In fact, certain atmospheric turbulences can often contribute to the formation of local and/or synoptic-scale meteo-tsunami phenomena, often dangerous for the population and known locally with the name of "Marrobbio". This phenomenon is also often present in the Torretta Granitola zone and therefore, monitoring these parameters can help us prevent risks, especially during docking maneuvers and approaches to the small port of Capo Granitola.

The updating and upgrading activities of this Meteo Marine Station were co-ordinated by Dr. Salvatore Aronica, Scientific Responsible for CNR partner in the Calypso South Project. The staff project is composed by: Dr. Giacalone Giovanni, Dr. Ignazio Fontana, Dr. Angelo Bonanno, Dr. Gualtiero Basilone, Dr. Simona Genovese, Dr. Salvatore Mazzola, Dr. Evelyn Scicchigno, Sig. Pietro Calandrino, Dr. Alessio Langiu, Dr. Antonio Bonanno and Dr. Salvatore Mazzola.

The meteo marine station installed in Torretta Granitola provide high-quality, standardised data and it is a part of the Calypso-South network of Meteo-marine stations.

The Capo Granitola Meteo Marine station was installed mainly in a single location inside the small port of Capo Granitola on an embankment facing the sea (position A in figure 1) at about 10m above sea level with the following coordinates 37°34'.16N 12°39'.33 E. The sea level and temperature sensors, are installed in water at a depth of about 1.5 meters protected by a thick PVC housing (position B in figure 1). The sensors in the water are about 50 m away from the pole where the acquisition control unit is installed.

Capo Granitola station weather pole
Figure 2: Weather pole installed inside the IAS-CNR headquarters in Capo Granitola (Site A) with particular of the Sigma3165 control unit.
Capo Granitola Station sea level pole
Figure 3: Marine pole for housing and protection of sea level and water temperature sensors.
The control unit is equipped with a multiplexing for data reading with appropriate choice of sampling frequencies and is equipped with the following sensors:
  • Air Temperature and Relative Humidity - Humicap;
  • Wind Speed and Direction - WindSonic Gill;
  • Rain - (Rain-O-Matic Professional) of PRONAMIC;
  • Global Radiation, Energy Sensor type ES2 of Delta-T Devices;
  • Net Radiation - NR-LITE of Kipp & Zonen;
  • Sea Temperature, type PT100;
  • Sea level, model ATM.1ST/N 1.8955.1505.14.UK of STS SENSORS
The station is connected to the intranet of the Capo Granitola office via a radio link and via a wired connection. A software in the Labview environment has been developed to acquire data from the weather station with a sampling rate of one second, subsequently, at each minute the average, maximum and minimum data are processed. All the acquired data are saved both on .txt files and inserted on DBMS postgres. Furthermore, all the acquired data are sent to an FTP site at the Department of the University of Malta.

The Figure 4 shows the operating diagram of the CG SMM. Currently it is connected to a base interrogation station, consisting of an Industrial PC where software for querying parameters is running. The two are connected through a radio link, but a direct cable connection is also provided, as soon as it becomes possible.

The upgrade of the station also consisted in the creation of various ad hoc programs in the Labview environment of National Instruments, for querying the control unit, data acquisition, data visualization, storage on DB SERVER at the headquarters of Capo Granitola and the transfer of data to the Ftp server of the University of Malta (figure 5).
Operation diagram at Capo Granitola Station
Figure 4: Operation diagram of the Meteo Marine Station of Capo Granitola.
Interface showing data collected by Capo Granitola weather station
Figure 5: Software interface for visualization of the meteo-marine parameters acquired by the SMM of Capo Granitola