
Direction from which wind is blowing measured in ° from N
Wind speed and gust in m/s or knots
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours (MAX)
GREEN: Average in the last 6 hours (AVG)
BLACK: Current value (NOW)
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours (MIN)

Air temperature

Air temperature measured in °C
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure measured in mBar
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours

Humidity measured as %
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours

Wind Speed
Wind Gust
Wind Direction
(° from N)
Air Temperature
Atmospheric Pressure
2025-02-16 06:27:004.15.02513.1993.0077
2025-02-16 06:26:004.96.23013.1992.9077
2025-02-16 06:25:003.54.12613.1992.9077
2025-02-16 06:24:003.45.6013.1992.8077
2025-02-16 06:23:004.59.03013.1992.9077
2025-02-16 06:22:006.78.535613.1992.8077
2025-02-16 06:21:006.011.1713.1992.8077
2025-02-16 06:20:004.55.635513.1992.7077
2025-02-16 06:19:005.910.2313.1992.6077
2025-02-16 06:18:004.04.835313.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:17:005.16.81613.1992.6077
2025-02-16 06:16:006.69.52013.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:15:007.39.834613.1992.7077
2025-02-16 06:14:003.95.01513.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:13:005.47.21413.0992.8077
2025-02-16 06:12:004.45.935413.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:11:004.47.61013.1992.7077
2025-02-16 06:10:006.28.33213.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:09:003.94.4713.0992.7077
2025-02-16 06:08:004.35.21513.0992.5077
2025-02-16 06:07:005.77.0712.9992.5077
2025-02-16 06:06:005.17.52213.0992.5077
2025-02-16 06:05:005.78.1113.0992.4078
2025-02-16 06:04:004.65.835612.9992.3078
2025-02-16 06:03:005.99.235613.0992.4079
2025-02-16 06:02:006.07.91313.0992.5078
2025-02-16 06:01:005.46.93213.0992.4078
2025-02-16 06:00:004.77.2613.0992.5078
2025-02-16 05:59:006.58.02713.0992.4078
2025-02-16 05:58:006.68.72112.9992.5078

PORTO meteo station in Qammieħ (Malta)

                                        station on the cliffs of Qammieħ.
Figure 1: Meteo station on the cliffs of Qammieħ.
The PORTO network of meteo and sea level stations is made up a total of 11 stations in Malta and Sicily. One of the meteo stations in Malta is situated in Qammieħ, overseeing the Gozo Channel in the North and the Western approaches to the Maltese Islands (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows the exact location at 35.9721°N and 14.3244°E.

Qammieħ meteo station measures the following parameters:

Parameter Precision Units
Wind speed 0.1 ms-1
Wind gust 0.1 ms-1
Wind direction 1 °N
Atmospheric pressure 0.01 mbar
Air temperature 0.1 °C
Relative humidity 1 %

The station registers the various parameters at one second intervals. At the end of each minute, the mean value, maximum and minimum for the past minute is calculated for all the parameters except wind direction. In this case the mean, standard deviation and mean square deviation is calculated and recorded. The minute interval data is written to a text file which is transmitted over FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to a central server at the University of Malta. Here the data is read and written to the PORTO meteo and marine stations database as soon as it is received. Data from the database is used to provide realtime data on the PORTO online interface (Figure 3).

The stations in the PORTO meteo marine network were acquired within the CALYPSO South project, partly funded by the Interreg Italia-Malta Programme 2014-2020. The Maltese section of the network is administered jointly by the Physical Oceanography Research Group (PO-Res Grp) at the University of Malta and the Port and Yachting Directorate within Transport Malta.

The PO-Res Grp, led by Prof. Aldo Drago, is the lead partner in CALYPSO South. The Group undertakes oceanographic research, in a holistic perspective, including operational observations and forecasts, specialised data management analysis and participation in international cooperative ventures. The overarching research themes of the PO-Res.Grp cover coastal meteorology, hydrography and physical oceanography with a main emphasis on the experimental study of the hydrodynamics of the sea in the vicinity of the Maltese Islands. The Group has mainly endeavoured to promote activities in operational oceanography by the installation and maintenance of permanent sea monitoring systems, and the provision of meteo/marine forecasts. In fact, the PO-Res Grp is responsible for management and custody of the data collected by the whole PORTO network, as well as the development and maintenance of the various interfaces that make this data available to stake holders and the public in general.

The Port and Yachting Directorate is responsible for regulating maritime leisure activities in the territorial and internal waters of Malta and is involved in the development and implementation of better organization of popular bays in Malta and Gozo. The Directorate is a partner within the CALYPSO South Project.
The red marker shows the position of the 
                                                meteo station on top of the cliffs in Qammieħ.
Figure 2: The bottom red marker shows the position of the meteo station on the top of the cliffs in Qammieħ.
Realtime data from Qammieħ meteo station as 
                                                displayed on the PORTO online interface
Figure 3: Realtime data from Qammieħ meteo station as displayed on the PORTO online interface.