Direction from which wind is blowing measured in ° from N
Wind speed and gust in m/s or knots
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours (MAX)
GREEN: Average in the last 6 hours (AVG)
BLACK: Current value (NOW)
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours (MIN)
Air temperature
Air temperature measured in °C
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure measured in mBar
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours
Humidity measured as %
RED: Maximum in the last 6 hours
BLACK: Current value
ORANGE: Snapshot taken 6 hours ago (-6H)
BLUE: Minimum in the last 6 hours
Accumulated rainfall since midnight measured in mm
Solar Radiation
Solar radiation measured as W/m2
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Net radiation
Net radiation measured as W/m2
RED: Maximum in the last 24 hours
BLACK: Current value
BLUE: Minimum in the last 24 hours
Time (UTC)
Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Gust (m/s)
Wind Direction (° from N)
Air Temperature (°C)
Atmospheric Pressure (mbar)
Humidity (%)
Global Solar Radiation (W/m2)
Net Solar Radiation (W/m2)
Rain (mm/min)
No data available
PORTO meteo station in Pozzallo (Sicily)
The PORTO network of meteo and sea level stations
is made up a total of 11 stations in Malta and Sicily.
One of the meteo stations in Sicily is situated in
Pozzallo, on the premises of the Lega Navale Italiana
(Figures 1 and 2). Figure 3 shows the exact location
at 36.717778°N and 14.832993°E.
Pozzallo meteo station measures the following parameters:
Wind speed
Wind gust
Wind direction
Atmospheric pressure
Air temperature
Relative humidity
Global radiation
Net radiation
The main components of the weather station are
the following:
Atmospheric pressure sensor;
Air temperature and humidity sensor;
Wind speed and direction sensor;
Precipitation sensor equipped with a water
collection system that will provide the
amount of rain in millimeters;
Global and net solar radiation sensor.
The weather station is equipped with a 3G/4G
antenna with cables, back-up battery and software,
anti-corrosion aluminium support pole (adjustable
in height up to 2 meters) and a datalogger with
shielded cable that allows data processing,
recording of the data and transfer to the two
reference servers, via GPRS/UMTS and/or cable
(LAN network), of a text file in ASCII format.
The datalogger connected to the weather station
is connected to a wired LAN and can also communicate
via GPRS/UMTS. It processes the data and transmits it
every minute. The weather station receives the time
signal via GPS and synchronizes the data using
UTC time. The data logger stores and transmits
a text file in ASCII format and sends these data
to multiple remote FTP servers every one minute.
One of the recipient servers reads and writes the
data to the PORTO meteo and marine stations
database as soon as it is received. Data from
the database is used to provide realtime data on
the PORTO online interface (Figure 4).
The stations in the PORTO meteo marine network
were acquired within the
CALYPSO South project,
partly funded by the Interreg Italia-Malta Programme
2014-2020. The stations at Pozzallo and Marina di
Ragusa are co-ordinated by Prof. Rosario Sinatra,
Scientific Responsible for the
The staff project is composed of: Prof. Alessandro
Cammarata, Dr. Elisabetta Paradiso, Dr. Anna
Carolina Toscano and Dr. Alfio Russo.