This capitalisation activity is conceived and elaborated by Prof. Aldo Drago (
Web master - Ms. Audrey Zammit
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The increasing presence of coexisting hazards related to pollution and environmental threats in the Mediterranean Sea is a problem that goes across political boundaries, as coastlines are known to be interconnected by strong dynamic flow fields that propagate materials in space and in time across the whole basin. The riparian countries are called to endeavour for transnational coordinated actions based on evidence-rooted joint and common interventions, and to undertake assessments, mitigation and actions together. Efforts are needed for capacity building, sharing of expertise and knowledge, avoiding duplication or re-inventing the wheel, namely to practically bring the national systems and resources closer to each other, and to act together in a concrete practical manner.

First image The capitalisation process in SHAREMED is precisely directed to achieve this cohesion and joint effort by: (i) supporting joint and co-ordinated observations to describe the marine ecosystem in its integrity (physical & biogeochemical) and within the larger scale scenarios and ranges of variability, (ii) enhancing international networking, dedicated assessments to quantify and locate non-local sources of pollution, and to study connective pathways for the transport of pollutants in the Mediterranean region, and (iii) systematizing existing knowledge and sustaining a common understanding of environmental threats and pollution, including those of transboundary origin, for long term strategies and common action plans jointly with stakeholders.

Capitalisation activities are directed to take stock and bring out synergies from existing relevant projects, initiatives and networks in the Mediterranean area, and to exploit these assets to promote further and achieve cross-cutting benefits. Such a process entails the apprehension of existing capital, namely knowledge, expertise, human resource and infrastructures, to merge and complement initiatives, building further momentum and critical mass through joint efforts and collaborations, and through the sharing of ideas, assets and commitments towards common goals.

The Transnational On-Demand Access actions are a major innovative and practical capitalisation endeavour aiming to achieve these targets through joint sub-projects offered by SHAREMED partners to Mediterranean recipients, to achieve doable actions through the joint effort of give and take by donors and recipients, to implement and set up systems at the recipient sites, or to train, or to undertake joint observations and assessments on relevant thematics.

This activity is a joint effort of all the SHAREMED partners and coordinated by Prof. Aldo Drago on behalf of the project lead partner OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste).


Second image This activity consists in the pairing of donor institutions with recipients in the Mediterranean countries, to undertake some practical hands-on doable actions offered by the donor to be chosen on-demand for execution with the recipients and at the recipient sites.

Project partners and collaborating entities are putting on offer a number of practical on-the-field activities consisting of a wide range of readymade, tangible and achievable sub-projects to be implemented in recipient Mediterranean institutions (including non-EU) beyond the project partnership. Twelve different and wide ranging offers are available, some of which are being offered to more than one recipient. The recipients will bring forward their own skills and resources to be merged and for exploiting the skills, knowhow and facilities of the donors, to do joint collaborative and supervised on-demand actions capitalising on existing assets to share technology, methods, expertise, facilities and knowledge on marine threats, hazards and observations in the Mediterranean Sea.

The offers are each presented on a common template describing the nature of the activity, the end product and the requisites needed from the part of the recipient. Some of the offers comprise travel for physical exchange between counterparts, and related costs are covered by the donors. The offers comprise new, supportive or complimentary actions to aid existing projects and initiatives (national and international), addressing specific problems/needs, and providing the implementation or testing of systems such as in numerical modelling, web products and service development, specialised training and other targeted actions. The offers are delivered in the form of supervised sub-projects at the recipient sites, to the advantage of capacity building, sharing of expertise and joint collaborative work with non-project partner entities. This is expected to trigger a multiplier effect, inciting established personnel in recipient countries to embark on practical deliverables, and addressing in a perceptible manner the overarching goal of PANORAMED to promote the sharing and exploitation of existing project results.


The Second Call for Transnational On-Demand Access is now open. Applications can be received until 30th April 2022. You can apply here.

Third image The offers are described through factsheets that contain the essential information on the activity on offer, including the donor institute and responsible persons, the final deliverable to be achieved, the requisite matching skills and resources needed from the part of the recipient, and the expected timeline for implementation.

Eligible applicants should be qualified professionals (individuals or groups) formally engaged within a legal entity in any country in the Mediterranean region, and with a proven track record of marine-related responsibilities, projects or engagements. Applicants are expected to fill in an online application form which includes:
  • contact and professional details about the applicant/s
  • letter of intent by the applicant/s
  • letter of recommendation by the responsible of the legal entity to which the applicant/s pertain
  • list of resources made available by the applicants for the execution of the activity
  • letter of commitment from the part of the applicants
The successful applicants will be selected by a Selection Panel, composed of members from the Steering Committee of SHAREMED.

Submitted applications will first be checked by the WP6 management team to ensure formal compliance with the rules of the Call and the validity of the technical skills, competence and preparedness of the applicants to benefit from the offers. The formal assessment of the applicants will be the sole responsibility of the Selection Panel. In case of over subscription to any of the offers, the selection will be made by the Selection Panel according to criteria established by the Panel who will prepare a shortlist in order of merit. The decision of the Selection Panel will be considered final and without appeal.

The shortlisted applicants will undergo a three-step process involving:
  1. Validation of each offer by the donor SHAREMED partner (feasibility assessment).
  2. Preparation of a plan and schedule of execution together with target deliverables as agreed by the donor and recipient.
  3. Final assessment and approval of the plan by the Selection Panel.
Once the activity is completed both the donor and the recipient/s will prepare separate reports describing the implementation of the activity, with proof of results and description of deliverables. Activities selected from the first call are currently being executed. Six offers were approved. They engage with 13 recipients from 6 countries (Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Montenegro and Greece). These activities are expected to be executed in the first quarter of 2022.
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